Thursday, March 15, 2012
A minister is being sacked just because he went off the populist track. Just because he had the balls to do what his two predecessors didn't! Just because his conscience didn't allow him to be a puppet to his 'party boss' and did what is his duty towards the country. Mr. Trivedi only wanted to put MY hard earned tax money to good use and make MY railways more efficient but I guess this is what we get over here when you actually do something for your country! I guess patriotism is now actually limited to just the text books & SMS Forwards & movies & cricket matches & just 2 days during the year in this country! A very very very sad day today & I can't do anything but feel helpless for MY India. I AM GONNA VOTE!!!
And you know what is worse than what is happening to Mr. Trivedi? It is the way the media is handling the issue. I cannot understand why Mr. Trivedi is being ridiculed across all news channels?! Why is it being shown that he was some stupid brat who dared to go against the wishes of his masters & is now being rightly punished as expected! It is as if the media is teasing Mr. Trivedi for making his stand! Please please please get this straight, you are not only breaking a patriot's spirit but you are setting a deterrent for anybody who would even think about doing something progressive for this country! Its like you are saying, "Go ahead, stick your neck out and be a good citizen & when you'll take the fall for it all of us would be there to point & laugh at you!" Can't even explain how sad I feel for my nation tonight!
What summarizes the gravity of the situation is what Mr. Dinesh Trivedi told Ms. Barkha Dutt in his interview to her: "If we rollback the fares, we have to rollback safety too"
In the end I would just like to misquote the Batman: "I guess he's the minister that India needs but doesn't deserves right now!